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Kalapuya: Native Americans of the Willamette Valley, Oregon

This guide was written by former LCC librarian Don Macnaughtan. This guide is no longer being updated.

Ethnographic Research on the Kalapuya

  1. Baker, Dean. The Last Yoncalla: The Legend of Sam Fearn. Eugene: Blind John Publications, 1981. Print.
  2. Beckham, Stephen Dow, ed. Cultural Resource Overview of BLM Lands in Northwestern Oregon: Archaeology, Ethnography, History. Eugene: U of Oregon, 1981. Print.
  3. Beckham, Stephen Dow. The Indians of Western Oregon: This Land Was Theirs. Coos Bay: Arago Books, 1977.  Print.
  4. Beckham, Stephen Dow, and Kathryn A. Toepel. "Ethnographic Overview: The Kalapuya." Prehistory and History of BLM Lands in West-Central Oregon: A Cultural Resource Overview. Eugene: U of Oregon, 1981. 49-82. Print. Series: University of Oregon Anthropological Papers no. 25.
  5. Beckham, Stephen Dow, et al. Native American Religious Practices and Uses in Western Oregon. Eugene: U of Oregon, 1984. Print. Series: University of Oregon Anthropological Papers no. 31. Print.
  6. Berreman, Joel V. "Calapuyan Tribes." Tribal Distribution in Oregon. Menasha, WI: American Anthropological Association, 1937. 20-23. Print.
  7. Buan, Carolyn M., and Richard Lewis, eds. The First Oregonians: An Illustrated Collection of Essays on Traditional Lifeways, Federal-Indian Relations, and the State's Native Peoples Today. Portland: Oregon Council for the Humanities, 1991. 128p. Print.
  8. Carey, Margaret S. "Indian Lize: Last of the Calapooias." Daughters of the Land: An Anthology. Ed. Margaret E. Felt. Bend: Maverick, 1988.
  9. Clark, Robert C. "Indians of the Willamette Valley." History of the Willamette Valley, Oregon. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing, 1927. 39-69. Print.
  10. Dickson, Evelyn M. "Food Plants of the Western Oregon Indians." Diss. Stanford U, 1946. Print.
  11. Farrand, Livingston. "Kalapooian Family." Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Ed. Frederick W. Hodge. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, 1907. 645-646. eBook.
  12. Frachtenberg, Leo J. "Ethnological Researches Among the Kalapuya Indians." Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 65.6 (1916): 85-89. Print.
  13. Gatschet, Albert S. "The Kalapuya People (Willamette Valley)." Journal of American Folklore 12 (1899): 208-214. Print.
  14. Gray, Judith A., ed. "Kalapuya Indian Music: The Leo Joachim Frachtenberg Collection." The Federal Cylinder Project: A Guide to Field Cylinder Collections in Federal Agencies. Vol. 3. Washington: American Folklife Center, 1988. 141-144. Print.
  15. Hajda, Yvonne. "The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon." The First Oregonians: An Illustrated Collection of Essays on Traditional Lifeways, Federal-Indian Relations, and the State's Native Peoples Today. Ed. Carolyn M. Buan and Richard Lewis. Portland: Oregon Council for the Humanities, 1991. 95-100. Print.
  16. Hall, Frances C. Indian Life in the Willamette Valley. Eugene: U of Oregon, 1981. Print.
  17. Jacobs, Melville. Kalapuya Texts. Seattle: U of Washington, 1945. Print.
  18. Jetté, Melinda Marie. "' Beaver Are Numerous, But the Natives... Will Not Hunt Them': Native-Fur Trader Relations in the Willamette Valley, 1812-1814." The Pacific Northwest Quarterly 98.1 (2006): 3-17. Print.
  19. Juntunen, Judy RycraftThe World of the Kalapuya: A Native People of Western Oregon. Philomath: Benton County Historical Society and Museum, 2005. Print.
  20. "Kalapuyan Tribal Divisions During the Early 19th Century." Map. Handbook of North American Indians: Northwest Coast. Ed. Wayne Suttles. Vol. 7. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1990. 548. Print.
  21. Knox, Margaret A. "Ecological Change in the Willamette Valley at the Time of Euro-American Contact ca. 1800-1850." Thersis U of Oregon, 2000. Print.

  22. Lawrence, Harry W. "A Natural Landscape History of Eugene, Part I: The Kalapuya Landscape." Lane County Historian 26 (1981): 1-2. Print.
  23. Mackey, Harold. The Indians of the Willamette Valley. Monmouth: Author, 1968. Print.
  24. Mackey, Harold. The Kalapuyans: A Sourcebook on the Indians of the Willamette Valley. Salem: Mission Mill Museum Association, 1974. Print.
  25. Marecki-Arriola, Denise. "Kalapuya." The Gale Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes. Ed. Sharon Malinowski and Anna Sheets. Vol. 4. Detroit: Gale, 1998. 344-348. Print.
  26. Martin, Lucy N. The Indians of the Willamette Valley. Eugene: U of Oregon, 1929. Print.
  27. Patton, Clyde P., and Stephen Dow Beckham. "Indian Distribution in Oregon." Atlas of Oregon. Ed. William G. Loy. Eugene: U of Oregon Books, 1976. 6-7. Print.
  28. Pederson, Nora K. "Identity Politics at Grand Ronde: Toward an Ethnohistory of the Tribes of the Willamette Valley, 1855-1901." Thesis Western Washington U, 2010. Print.
  29. Peterson, Jan. "A Sketch of Kalapuya Ethnography." Archaeological Studies in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. Ed. C. Melvin Aikens. Eugene: U of Oregon, 1975. 1-15. Print.
  30. Ratcliff, James L. "What Happened to the Kalapuya?: A Study of the Depletion of Their Economic Base." Indian Historian 6.3 (1973): 27-33. Print.
  31. Ross, George W., et al. "The Kalapuyans." The Blue Valley: A History of Creswell. Creswell: Creswell Area Historical Soc., 1993. 1-5. Print.
  32. Scovell, Joseph H. The Kalapuyans: Indians of the Willamette Valley. Boulder, Co: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, 1978. Print.
  33. Spores, Ronald. "Too Small a Place: The Removal of the Willamette Valley Indians, 1850-1856." American Indian Quarterly 17.2 (1993): 171-191. Print.
  34. Toepel, Kathryn A. "Traditional Lifeways: The Western Interior." The First Oregonians: An Illustrated Collection of Essays on Traditional Lifeways, Federal-Indian Relations, and the State's Native Peoples Today. Ed. Carolyn M. Buan and Richard Lewis. Portland: Oregon Council for the Humanities, 1991. 15-20. Print.
  35. Towle, Jerry G. "Settlement and Subsistence in the Willamette Valley: Some Additional Considerations." Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 13 (1979): 12-21. Print.
  36. Ward, Beverly. "Indians of South Lane." Golden Was the Past: Cottage Grove, Oregon, 1850-1970. Cottage Grove: Sentinel Print Shop, 1970. 1-7. Print.
  37. White, John R. "Settlement and Subsistence in the Willamette Valley: A Reply to Towle." Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 15 (1981): 236-247. Print.
  38. Worth, Veryl M., and Harry S. Worth. "Indians of the Upper Willamette Valley." Early Days on the Upper Willamette. Oakridge: Fact Book, 1990. 3-4. Print.
  39. Zenk, Henry B. "Contributions to Tualatin Ethnography: Subsistence and Ethnobiology." Diss. Portland State U, 1976. Print.
  40. Zenk, Henry B. "Kalapuyans." Handbook of North American Indians: Northwest Coast. Ed. Wayne Suttles. Vol. 7. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1990. 547-553. Print.
  41. Zenk, Henry B. "Tualatin Kalapuyan Villages: The Ethnographic Record." Contributions to the Archaeology of Oregon, 1989-1994. Ed. Paul W. Baxter. Eugene: Assn. of Oregon Archaeologists, 1994. 147-166. Print.
  42. Zucker, Jeff, et al. Oregon Indians: Culture, History and Current Affairs: An Atlas and Introduction. Portland: Oregon Historical Society Press, 1983. Print.