Approximately 15,000 people spoke Kalapuyan around 1800. By 1930 there were perhaps 10 speakers left. The language actually consisted of three separate languages, each with many dialects. Speakers of Tualatin would not be able to understand Yoncalla speakers, but could understand closer dialects such as Santiam. Kalapuyan was severely affected by the fall in population after 1830. Some texts were recorded, especially by Melville Jacobs in the 1930s. Many Kalapuya texts and recordings exist only in archives.

Narrative by John B. Hudson to Melville Jacobs, in Santiam Kalapuya language, c1935. For a discussion of this text, see Darkening and Enlightening: A Santiam Kalapuya Prophesy by David Lewis.
Kalapuyan is often grouped as part of the Penutian languages, and was formerly clustered with Takelma, the language spoken in the Rogue Valley of southern Oregon. This relationship has since been questioned, and it is no longer clear how Kalapuyan relates to other languages.
The Kalapuyan Languages
the Northern Kalapuyan (Tualatin-Yamhill) Language consisting of:
- the Tualatin dialect spoken along the Tualatin River, Lake Wapato, and the lower Willamette River (northern Willamette Valley)
- the Yamhill dialect spoken along the Yamhill River (northwestern Willamette Valley)
the Central Kalapuyan Language consisting of:
- the Ahantchuyuk dialect spoken along the Pudding and Molalla Rivers (northeastern Willamette Valley)
- the Santiam dialect spoken along the Lower Santiam River (central Willamette Valley)
- the Luckiamute dialect spoken along the Luckiamute River (central Willamette Valley)
- the Chepenafa dialect spoken along Mary’s River (central Willamette Valley)
- the Chemapho dialect spoken along Muddy Creek (central Willamette Valley)
- the Tsankupi dialect spoken along the Calapooia River (southeastern Willamette Valley)
- the Chelamela or Long Tom dialect spoken along the Long Tom River (southwestern Willamette Valley)
- the Winefelly and Mohawk dialects spoken along the Lower McKenzie, Mohawk, and Coast Fork Willamette Rivers (southeastern Willamette Valley)
the Southern Kalapuyan (Yoncalla) Language consisting of:
- two or three (?) dialects along Elk, Yoncalla and Calapooya Creeks and the middle Umpqua River (southwestern Oregon interior)
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