If you need statistical information about LCC, there's no better source than the office of Institutional Research.
For more state and local resources, see the following sites:
State of the Cities Data Systems
Information on housing and economic development, including demographic and economic population characteristics, labor force data, information on jobs, and much more.
American Fact Finder
Serves as a quick way to find population, housing, economic, and geographic data. From the U. S. Census Bureau.
You might also try the websites for the executive branches at the city, county, and state levels.
Use Google to make your search more effective:
You can not only limit your search to only government sites by adding site:gov to your search string, as in the following example:
immigration site:gov
You can also limit your search to one specific site, as in the following examples:
tattoos site:nih.gov
obesity site:oregon.gov
unhoused site:eugene-or.gov
Another way to make your Web search more effective is to use Google Advanced Search. It allows you to be a lot more specific.
Polling data can tell you how people feel about a certain person or issue.
Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. They do not take policy positions.
Public Agenda Online
Nonpartisan opinion research organization that reports surveys conducted by national firms on public policy issues. Especially strong coverage of quality of life and social issues; for example, race relations, health care, privacy, drug abuse, crime, the environment, and immigration.
is a new kind of search engine just for finding statistics. It can be difficult to find what you want, but it is definitely worth a try. The trick is to be as specific as you can. For examples of successful searches, see Wolfram|Alpha's Examples by Topics page.